What are Israeli soldiers wearing on their heads? 'Chef hat' camouflage, explained


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Feb 06, 2024

What are Israeli soldiers wearing on their heads? 'Chef hat' camouflage, explained

Thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands have been displaced in the conflict between Israel and Gaza. The fighting has involved Palestinian Islamist militia Hamas, the Israeli Air Force,

Thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands have been displaced in the conflict between Israel and Gaza. The fighting has involved Palestinian Islamist militia Hamas, the Israeli Air Force, and soldiers of the Israel Defence Forces.

Many Israeli soldiers have been seen wearing what appears to be a floppy mesh hat on their heads, which some commentators have compared to a “chef’s hat”.

Known as a mitznefet, this cloth helmet covering has been used by the Israel Defence Forces (IDS) since 1994. It is intended to improve camouflage for the wearer and protect them from the sun and from glare.

A standard mitznefet consists of a material covering made from reversible mesh fabric with a greenish camouflage print on one side and a brown desert print on the reverse.

The covering takes on an irregular form that aims to break up what would be the distinctive outline of a helmeted human head, while also preventing light from reflecting off the wearer’s helmet.

The mitznefet is easily removable and can also be pulled down to shade and protect the wearer’s head from direct sunlight.

The headware has sometimes been referred to as a “clown hat” due to its billowing shape.

The Times of Israel reported in 2015 that the coverings would be supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The mitznefet shares the same name as the priestly turban worn by high priests in the Temple of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period.

According to reports, the name originates from a Semitic root meaning “to wrap”.

So far, the current death toll in the conflict is 2,837 – 1,537 Palestinians and 1,300 Israelis. To find out more about ways you can help, click here.